Watch The 2015 Restored Version of The Beatles ‘Penny Lane’

This newly restored video is taken from The Beatles 1 Video Collection, released on November 6th and available to pre-order now:
“If you listen to my playing, I try to become an instrument; play the mood of the song. For example, ‘Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire,’ – boom ba bom. I try to show that; the disenchanting mood. The drum fills are part of it.” Ringo Starr
Of very few individual songs can it be said, ‘This changed the course of popular music.’ ‘A Day In The Life’ is one such song.
Recorded in January and February 1967, a large orchestra was assembled for the amazing additional flourishes and fills, although at first the 40 classically trained musicians struggled with the concept of what they were being asked to play.
George Martin and Paul conducted the orchestra and helped to create a finished track that was more than just different, it was utterly unique. Starting from John’s beautiful song, the end result was something simply unbelievable.
As you can see from the film, this was no ordinary recording session. The classical musicians, who had been asked to wear evening dress, took it upon themselves to wear fake noses, funny hats and generally enter into the spirit of the occasion. Filmed between 8pm and 1am with guests including Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, the occasion provided some of the inspiration for what transpired during the recording and filming of ‘All You Need Is Love’ for the Our World project.