The Sad Tale Of Sister Luc Gabrielle, The Singing Nun
The sound of Sister Luc Gabrielle and a chorus of four nuns impressed Philips Records and, soon, the world.

Sister Luc Gabrielle, whose real name was Jeannine Deckers, born in 1928 in Belgium, joined a Dominican Convent at Fichermont near Waterloo, Belgium. For many years she wrote and sang songs to her own guitar accompaniment and in 1961 she approached Philips Records in Brussels. They eventually agreed to a small recording session with no real expectations, but the sound of Sister Luc Gabrielle and a chorus of four nuns impressed the record company and, soon, the world.
They released the album Sister Smile (Soeur Sourire), including the song “Dominique,” sung in French, which came out as a single. It went to No. 4 in the UK and, from 7 December, it topped the American chart for a staggering four weeks, becoming the US Christmas No. 1 of 1963. In so doing, it stopped the Kingsmen’s indelible “Louie Louie” from making the top spot. The Singing Nun also achieved the remarkable feat — the first in American chart history — of a simultaneous No. 1 single and No. 1 album, both of which sold over a million copies.
“Dominique” won a Grammy Award for “Best Gospel or Religious Song,” but subsequent releases failed to repeat the success, making the Singing Nun one of the most classic one-hit wonders in chart history. Meanwhile, a share of royalties that she earned from her moment of fame were handed over to the Dominican Convent, who spent the money on foreign missions.
The life of Sister Luc Gabrielle inspired the feature film The Singing Nun, in which she was played by Debbie Reynolds. That marked another first: never before had one No. 1 artist starred in a biopic about another. The nun’s unimpressed reaction to the film described it as “fiction.”
As the movie came out, Sister Luc left the convent and resumed her former name, pursuing a full-time singing career. Two singles were released, one in celebration of birth control, “Glory Be To God For The Golden Pill” and the other the pointedly titled “Sister Smile Is Dead.” When they were unsuccessful, Deckers turned to teaching handicapped youngsters in Wavre, Belgium, and went on to open her own school for autistic children.
In April 1985, Deckers and her companion Annie Berchet were found dead in a flat at Waure near Brussels. Both had taken an overdose of barbiturates. The tragedy happened after the Belgian authorities demanded the tax from the monies earned during her fleeting 15 minutes of fame. The convent took a large share of the royalties from her success, as did her record company.
This apparently left the former nun in such a state of depression that she took her own life. In a joint suicide note, Deckers wrote: “We are going together to meet God our Father. He alone can save us from this financial disaster.”
wendy vandermeer
July 2, 2015 at 1:57 am
What a tragic story. I have always Loved that movie but never new the story of her (their ) passing. Goverments are soooo greedy ,and never think about their actions, at any ” cost “. RIP beautiful Singing Nun ( and friend ) PS. Why did she leave the convent?
January 30, 2020 at 11:19 pm
She was gay.
April 10, 2020 at 5:17 am
She might have been gay but she was definitely disillusioned, with the convent and its leaders if not Catholicism in general (she apparently tried to lead a “Catholic” life even as a lay member.) It should be noted that she was in favor of birth control, and decided to commit suicide, both of which are considered mortal sins in Catholicism, so she had major doctrinal disagreements as well. Which is not to say she wasn’t a faithful Catholic til the end — her suicide note makes it clear that she was — just that she didn’t always agree with Catholic dogma.
Peggie Davis
May 27, 2020 at 8:25 pm
Get over it Steve and while you’re at it? I suggest YOU try contributing to humanity!
August 20, 2020 at 12:26 pm
Seriously, Steve did not put a judgement in his comment. Merely gave an answer to a question. So what? why do you read judgement into a statement of fact.
Deborah Olin
July 2, 2020 at 10:20 am
Not really
Phil Oravec
December 7, 2017 at 11:01 am
It is a tragic story but she is at home in heaven with God enjoying life and singing for all eternity. Enjoying her new Life with God new life up in Heaven.
May 4, 2018 at 6:32 pm
Actually phillips took 95% of her earnings not the covenant. Please do you research next time.
December 30, 2020 at 3:01 pm
El Fisco belga solicitó a Deckers el pago de los impuestos por la canción, pero Phillips Records tuvo el 95% de las ganancias y el Convento el 5% restante, debido a que Deckers había hecho Voto de Pobreza. Es muy molesto que no aclare Ud. que el Convento sí contribuyó a pagar la deuda que el Fisco Belga cobraba a Deckers, pero Phillips Records, no.
Otra cosa: cuando ella y su pareja se suicidaron, en el mismo día pero sin avisarles, sus amigos habían recaudado una cifra cinco veces mayor de lo que se le cobraba.
December 30, 2020 at 3:03 pm
The Belgian Treasury asked Deckers to pay the taxes for the song, but Phillips Records had 95% of the profits and the Convent the remaining 5%, because Deckers had taken Poverty Vote. It is very annoying that you do not clarify that the Convent did contribute to pay the debt that the Belgian Treasury charged Deckers, but Phillips Records did not.
Another thing: when she and her partner committed suicide, on the same day but without notifying them, her friends had collected a figure five times greater than what they were charged.
William Moore
November 11, 2021 at 4:56 am
I remember this song on the radio in the early 1960’s. My parents bought the 33 1/3 LP album at Fedco dept. store in Los Angeles when it came out. As I recall she was also an artist and there were a couple of her etchings included in the album. After our mother passed in 2001 and while cleaning out the house, my brother and I gave this album along with a whole lot of 33 1/3 LPs away. We tried selling the records but found out they were worthless, unless you had a phonograph on which to play them. After reading this article, I now wonder how much these etchings might be worth today, who knows?
May 20, 2022 at 1:27 pm
She adamantly stated she was NOT gay. She had issues with her Mother Superior and authority in general. I know of no Christian religion that sanctions suicide, so that is not a reflection on Catholic dogma, but rather her state of mind. I disagree with the tax issue, Philips records should have paid it, however, the problem was that she approached them about making the album, then she left the convent. That made her independently responsible for “her” share.
darlene demeria
December 26, 2022 at 2:41 pm
Such a heartbreak, greed destroys.
March 11, 2024 at 10:40 pm
Wooow, this some used to name my cry when I was a little kid in Jamaica and in NY in 1969 whenever it came in the radio.
It still STIRS MY SOUL, I dunno why.
Today I’m an ordained Christian Deacon who gives of his time and talents to everyone I come in contact with if they are receptive.
It’s just mind boggling the GREED of those who SAY they are sjwe and are not but do lie. Rev. 2.9,3.9 is God’s promise to us ✝️✝️ and a clear and present that to them other ones✡️ who love the world now than God.
RIP Sister Luc.
June 21, 2024 at 2:08 pm
Very sad story to attribute to a beautiful song. Never knew the backstory until now.