Ricky Nelson Rides Again

When you hear the name of the great Ricky Nelson, you tend to think of his chart achievements of the 1950s and early 1960s, especially when the “y” is still at the end of his first name. You’re less likely to think of the 2000s, since he sadly passed away on New Year’s Eve, 1985.
But nine years ago today, on January 21, 2006, the former heartthrob was, briefly, making the running on the American chart again. Capitol’s ‘Greatest Hits’ collection, released at that time to mark the 20th anniversary of Nelson’s passing, was named by Billboard as the Pace Setter on the album rankings, as it climbed to No. 56.
In its first week, the album had sold a very respectable 17,000 copies across the US, as fans seized the chance to buy a new, career-long retrospective by one of the original teen pin-ups of the early rock ‘n’ roll era. The LP contained all the hits you’d expect, from ‘Travelin’ Man’ to ‘Hello Mary Lou.’ ‘Poor Little Fool’ to ‘Stood Up’ and ‘It’s Late’ to ‘Never Be Anyone Else But You.’ It also included ‘Garden Party,’ Nelson’s big comeback hit of 1972, by which time he’d long been calling himself Rick.
The album never went higher than that No. 56 position, but it spent an impressive 18 weeks on the bestsellers. It is, to date, the most recent of the 18 US chart albums in a memorable career.
Listen to ‘Greatest Hits’ on Spotify
Download the album from Google Play or iTunes, or buy it on Amazon
Explore our dedicated Rick Nelson Artist Page

Carolyn Nelson
January 22, 2015 at 9:08 pm
Love it!!!
January 23, 2015 at 3:49 am
Any relation, Carolyn?
January 23, 2015 at 3:48 am
I bought this when it came out. There is not a bad tune on it!
January 23, 2015 at 8:25 am
Daniel, you’re so right!
Marianne Beauchamp
March 8, 2015 at 10:08 pm
Ricky Nelson will always be in our hearts forever…I remember my mother-in-law and I were waiting for the New Years watching TV…then the bad news came in say Ricky Nelson died in a plane crash….we both cried and embraced each other…I still cry every News Years Eve…I love listen Ricky Nelson songs…
March 9, 2015 at 1:37 am
My nephew named after him!
March 9, 2015 at 10:42 am
Rick was my first idol, singing on I TV every week (I was 5 years old in 1961, until the demise of Ozzie and Harriet’s TV Show). Although the Beatles and others took his place, I was thrilled when he came out with Garden Party, actually stunned he got in the Top Ten- thought “That’ll show ’em!” Also a missed opportunity with Dream Lover in 1979 on SNL, They didn’t release the record fast enough and everyone forgot about it..he could have had another hit. Oh well. Another missed opportunity when he came to Lansing around 1984 summer, and played in a place called the Hayloft…I should have gone but didn’t. Duh!
March 9, 2015 at 1:13 pm
He was a masterpiece, for sure. He sang and played his guitar like the musician he was. He didn’t have to make a display of himself and scream his lyrics at you. NE “wardrobe malfunctions”. Also, we could understand every word he was singing. No “mush mouth”. Let’s continue to celebrate his life and his one of a kind style. Miss you, Rick Nelson.
Diane Petranovich
March 9, 2015 at 9:02 pm
I couldn’t wait to see Ricky and his shows, I loved him when I was a teenage idol…..
Barrett La Mont
October 4, 2015 at 4:50 pm
I first saw Ricky on his families TV show. I was 13 and I was crazy about his music and Elvis. I wanted to be just like Rick. I learned all his songs and loved singing along with him. My family and my girlfriends must have gotten tired of me singing his songs, but they were all great! I was so sorry to hear about his tragic plane crash. My wife had a crush on him and now she is my (only) biggest fan! I still love to rock with Rick!
February 14, 2016 at 5:04 pm
At a concert in Lawton, OK, in Aug. 1979, I climbed onto the stage,
and kissed him!!!!!! O M G, I still smile at that memory!!!!!
July 26, 2016 at 4:46 am
There will Never be another Rick Nelson. His twin boys are very close. Ive admired this entire family..From Tv thru death.
God took Rick and close friends for a reason. Sadly…his daughter had to hear from strangers. May the Nelson family RIP.
July 26, 2016 at 4:53 am
Rick Nelson and Ozzie& Harriet..David Nelson PLUS THE FRIENDS WHO DIED WITH RICK…RIP
Rick your kids have continued your legacy. You d be proud daddy.
GOD NEEDED RICK..IT WAS HIS TIME…Press on those who loved this family. Amen
July 26, 2016 at 4:55 am
God bless the Rick Nelson..Ozzie Harriet and David. RIP RICK YOU D BE PROUD DADDY. KIDS DOING SUPERB
sonja MaSON
December 31, 2016 at 11:25 pm
Heyyyyyyy alrighttttt love Rick… HAppy Anniversary Rick love ya… (he’s a traveling man after all)