Jon Lord’s Purple Patches

June 9 would have been the 73rd birthday of one of the greatest keyboard players in rock history. Jon Lord’s brilliant organ and piano work illuminated the recording and live output of Deep Purple through their glory years, all the way through to his departure from the group in 2002.
Few players have ever been able to infuse rock music with the marriage of classical and blues influences that Jon brought to Purple, as well as to his time with Whitesnake, with Ian Paice and Tony Ashton in Paice Ashton Lord and various other collaborations. Jon also recorded as a solo artist, his classical leanings coming ever further to the fore in his later work, before his sad death in 2012.
As a mark of enduring respect to a real gentleman of the business, here is some of his finest work on record with this great British rock band, in uDiscover’s Deep Purple playlist.

Michael R. Soto
June 10, 2014 at 5:29 pm
One of the strongest and most lasting influences in my learning and overall musical development. Jon Lord was a brilliant performer & composer. He is dearly missed.
Gert Pasman
June 10, 2014 at 5:39 pm
een van de beste muziekkant van de wereld
Wim van Hout
June 10, 2014 at 7:04 pm
Vanaf mijn prille jeugd helemaal verliefd op de manier van muziek maken en het voorkomen van een prachtmens. Onze zoon is dan ook naar hem vernoemd. Zijn overlijden was dan ook de tweede schok, de eerste was het verlaten van Deep Purple. Zonder hem geen Purple, hoe goed Airey het ook doet. Nooit, maar dan ook nooit een organist gehoord die zelfs maar in de buurt kwam van het kunnen van deze man. Ik luister nog heel vaak naar de muziek en geniet telkens weer, wel met weemoed in mijn hart. Blij dat ik het live heb mogen meemaken. Bedankt Jon.
Karsten Sørensen
June 10, 2014 at 7:06 pm
Why? Our great Lord must have enough . . . .