‘I Wonder How I Managed It All’: ABBA’s Agnetha Fältskog In 20 Quotes
A selection of Agnetha’s most memorable quotes, reflecting her youth, the incredible success of ABBA, their personal relationships and much more.

Few pop artists got to experience the ups and downs of pop superstardom like Agnetha Åse Fältskog. The ABBA singer, born on April 5, 1950, returned to the scene in 2013 with the album A, released almost 40 years after the Swedish group began their global conquest, and more than 45 after the release of her debut solo single. The late 2010s then brought the tantalizing possibility of new ABBA music, which arrived with the Voyage album in late 2021.
Here is a compilation of 20 of Agnetha’s most memorable quotes, reflecting her youth, the incredible success of ABBA, their personal relationships, her return to recording and what life is like for her in later years.
On her early days in Sweden, from her 1997 book, As I Am:
“I felt like an awkward country lass who’d come to the big city. The nervousness was different to the way I’d later feel with ABBA, when it was because expectations were so high. On the stairs down to the studio I suddenly heard the backing to my song being played by Sven-Olof Waldorf’s orchestra. My heart missed a beat. What a blast!” (1997)
On the height of ABBAmania:
“It felt like the fans were going to eat me up. I was still a normal kid from Jönköping, but now I couldn’t go anywhere. When we were on tour, I longed for [my daughter] Linda. I had negotiated with our manager and the others that our tours would never last longer than two weeks, but this meant they had me down as cranky Agnetha. They thought I was demanding” (2014)
“Ninety-nine percent of my time is spent on my career and the other one per cent on partying” (1977)
On her relationship in ABBA with Frida Lyngstad:
“We helped each other a lot. If I felt I had a little cold, or Frida did, the other would work harder that night. During all of those times we worked so hard, through fevers and flu, and only ever cancelled two shows. The costumes were designed for us. I didn’t have the time to get involved with that, but Frida was more into it and had more time. We had to go and try everything and get measured, and I think they did a good job. Dancing in those platforms was OK, but I couldn’t do it today” (2013)
‘We saw a lot of each other’
“Articles have postulated that Frida and I hated each other from the start which is, in fact, pure nonsense. On the contrary, we saw a lot of each other out there in Vallentuna. The boys got on with writing and we stayed in, round at each other’s houses, singing and playing” (from As I Am, 1997)
On ABBA’s 1977 Australian tour:
“I was often worried that someone would get run over when they threw themselves in front of the car or hurled themselves at it and began pounding on it. Sometimes it got frightening, when we were forced to use excessive speed to get through the crowds” (1996)
On being asked on that Australian tour if it was true that she had the sexiest bottom in pop:
“How can I answer that? I don’t know, I haven’t seen it” (1977)
On her self-image, and the Australian tour in particular:
“You watch yourself [on film] with very critical eyes: ‘Why didn’t you do it like that instead? Why didn’t you move a little more there?’ One thing I particularly noticed in Australia was that it makes no difference whether there are 5,000 or 50,000 in the crowd. I was still just as stressed and nervous” (1996)
On ABBA’s ‘The Winner Takes It All’:
“Björn wrote it about us after the breakdown of our marriage. The fact he wrote it exactly when we divorced is touching really. I didn’t mind. It was fantastic to do that song because I could put in such feeling. I didn’t mind sharing it with the public. It didn’t feel wrong. There is so much in that song. It was a mixture of what I felt and what Björn felt but also what Benny and Frida went through” (2013)
A ‘happy’ divorce
“We always told the media that it was a ‘happy’ divorce, which of course was a front…obviously we all know there are no such things as happy divorces, especially when there are children involved. On top of that, ours was in the full glare of the media. But to this day I don’t regret splitting up. The reason behind our separation is one of those things I definitely don’t want to go into” (1997, As I Am)
On her 2013 album, A:
“I will always be compared with ABBA, with what was. I can only produce a good album, otherwise why would I do it? We had a joke about it. I said: ‘If I sound like an old woman, we won’t give it out.’ After a few times, I kept saying: ‘This is not good.’ So I trained and trained, took a couple of lessons, and suddenly on the third take it was there, and my voice sounds really young” (2013)
‘Your voice changes’
“I thought my previous record in 2004 [My Colouring Book] was going to be my last. It’s not very common that you do records when you get past 60. Your voice changes, and your body, and you don’t have the same energy” (2013)
On her modern-day life:
“I live on a farm and there is a little bridge to get to Stockholm. I live a normal life there with my pug Bella and my puppy Bruno. I chat to other dog walkers, I go shopping and out to restaurants with friends” (2013)
‘I was so tired’
“I don’t mind signing autographs as long as there’s not a queue forming. Maybe I was a recluse for some years. I was so tired once ABBA was over and just wanted to be calm and with my children. I married, was in ABBA, had my children, divorced, all in ten years. I wonder how I managed it, but I was young” (2013)
“I’m just a normal Swedish woman who spends time walking her dog and seeing her three grandchildren. I also have been written about like I’m very mysterious. I try every time to explain that I’m so normal. I’m not Garbo” (2013)
On what advice she, as an older woman, would give her teenage self:
“I would warn 16-year-old Agnetha that she will need stamina. This life gives you a lot, but it also takes. You can never be ill. Even if you have a fever you have to work. We had only two cancelled concerts during the ABBA tours” (2013)
‘Everybody wanted us’
“I would tell my younger self that winning the Eurovision Song Contest with ‘Waterloo’ in 1974 will be the most fantastic thing, but it will also bring problems. My daughter was only one year old, and when we had this enormous success everybody wanted us. It felt really bad leaving her, even though we always had good people taking care of her. By the time my son was born in 1977, we were all over the world” (2013)
On technology and studio trickery in 21st century pop music:
“We don’t need to use that, no. But it depends on what kind of singer you are. When there is a lot of dancing, that’s also nice to look at. Sometimes you have to do live appearances, and then it can be heard, that they’re not that good singers. There are a lot of artists that I love, and I think they’re really talented, and they’re good dancers as well. I’ve always wished that I could combine that. But I see myself as only a recording artist, and I think that we were that at most in ABBA. It’s not very easy to look at us, but to hear us, I liked that very much” (2013)
On the idea of an ABBA concert or recording reunion, before their 2018 announcement that they had recorded new music:
“I think we have to accept that it will not happen, because we are too old and each one of us has their own life. Too many years have gone by since we stopped, and there’s really no meaning in putting us together again” (2013)
On what she does if she’s driving and hears an ABBA song on the radio:
“I don’t turn it off. There were, really, some years when we’d had enough with ABBA music. Both Frida and I had some years after we stopped when we never listened to it. But then some years go by, so it’s ok to listen to it again” (2013)
Listen to the best of ABBA on Apple Music and Spotify.
March 29, 2016 at 5:50 pm
“Ninety-nine percent of my time is spent on my career and the other one per cent on partying” (1977) I always loved you, Agnetha, but I don’t believe a single word in such statement.
May 24, 2016 at 9:38 pm
Nonsense! The song was written by Bjorn and Benny and ‘Chiquitita’ roughly translates ‘little girl’.
November 8, 2016 at 12:43 pm
Sorry brad your completely wrong. The original title of chiquitita was In the arms of rosalita. The song was composed and written by bjorn and Benny. The only song agnetha wrote and recorded as Abba was disillusion from the ring ring album. I don’t know how or why your convinced chiquitita was written about you but it wasn’t.
December 23, 2016 at 9:50 pm
The song does say broken a feather as in a bird. and agnetha does sing ” I hope we can patch it up together” I hate to see you like this” as if to be speaking directly to someone specifically that she met.. If you listen to the words It does sound as if something has happened and agnetha is trying to cheer someone up. In song writing most usually the composes of the music claim the song not the lyric writer look at songs that have been re done by other groups It sounds like Brad might be right
Gopalakrishnan Krishnan
April 6, 2020 at 3:02 am
Happy Birthday Agnetha I always love you and all of you God bless you.
March 29, 2016 at 5:54 pm
Ik wou dat het Nederlands was telelenzen ik kan geen engels lezen en praten jammer vindt ik dat…gr aartje
Lorena Sanders
April 5, 2019 at 8:52 pm
I always had a dream to meet Agnetha some day. I’m wanting to plan a trip to Sweden next year. I should have some living relatives there.
September 21, 2019 at 9:57 pm
Cool. Are you dutch too?
Buffee Gabrielson
March 29, 2016 at 7:20 pm
I know what your saying I too was a vocalist doing shows 20+ yrs ago and I can’t even come close to hitting some of them notes anymore. Enjoy your life with grand kids and living a simple life, you’ve earned it and your music will live on with happy memories my love to you and the others.
Jonathan Geill
March 29, 2016 at 7:36 pm
Abba is the best group ever, always has been from when they came together and always will be.I wish Abba would come together for a music collaboration, at least, maybe more; a whole album; a work of art. At least say the guys writing songs and music and the girls singing 😀
wesley foster
March 29, 2016 at 9:28 pm
Enjoyed this a lot and whom cares what ricardo says
Haseeb zaman
March 29, 2016 at 9:28 pm
The first song I heard was mama Mia !it was 1978 I was about 10 at that time . Since then I listen to abba !-Agnetha was my first crush I was in luv with her ! I use this keep her photo in my wallet for years ! There music is unick super splendid just no match ever !
George Crichton
March 29, 2016 at 10:53 pm
Hi, Thanks for the 20 Agnetha quotes, enjoyed that. I have one simple thing to say, on the the things, reporters and music critics say about our one and only and the other 3 band members.
ah it would be easier to say ABBA . yea lots of the rubbish said only proves these so called journalists need to get out of bed in the morning and get a real job. they are CRAP at the one they do!!! next, when askes who`s my fav group, I say Beatles/ABBA I can sense your hostility,
dont worry just reverse the names, either first , Im happy with. Next my Fav singer hmm
take to long to list them here the list goes anywhere between John Lennon and Patsy Cline,
oh and the blode one from ABBA, hmmm er oh yes Agnetha Faltskog. again you got a prob where I`ve listed Agnetha, just reverse the list I`tll work that way round.
Agnetha Darling, yes your prolly dreading this bit , you know a Question or request is on the way. and your correct here it is. have you ever considerd country and western if the wright song came along would you consider it, thats not a request, that comes later. what`s your views on C&W. now for the nasty bit Ha Ha. what is the release date of your new C&W album, Ha Ha. well go on tell us. . No seriously Agnetha Thank You for the awesome music
and enjoy youself on the 5th also hope everything you do brings you happiness.
Lots of Luvs XXX
bob monterola
March 30, 2016 at 1:45 am
I have heard and seen Agnetha remark most of these comments, but enjoyed running thru them here. I do disagree with Agnetha when she says their dancing and onstage movements weren’t very good…..They were teriffic done with their feelings. There never was or will be another band as attractive with their talent again.
bob monterola
March 30, 2016 at 1:51 am
Oh did I forget to mention that I wish you a great Birthday April 5, Love and respect.
Hugo Pérez Sanhueza
March 30, 2016 at 3:40 am
I lo ve yo Agnetha
Hugo Pérez Sanhueza
March 30, 2016 at 3:42 am
I love you Agnetha
March 30, 2016 at 8:33 am
Dearest Agnetha best wishes for your 66th Birthday. I have been a huge fan from the very first time I heard ABBA. I am lucky to finally be coming to Sweden in September just to be in your country. I am travelling from Australia. Thank you for sharing your beautiful voice. Much love for a very Happy Birthday xxxxx
March 31, 2016 at 4:57 am
There is only one thing I can say. Thank you for the music and have a great birthday, you still are the girl with the golden hair.
Mariusz P.
April 5, 2016 at 2:22 pm
Happy Birthday Agnetha! Have a wonderful time and all the best for future!
Today is the day of your and Abba songs for me. Thanks for all your music!
April 8, 2016 at 9:54 am
Thank You for Your music for songs and singing…..All the best for You Agnetha and greetings from Szczecin in Poland.
Your fan – Krzysztof 😉
Charles Raymond
April 8, 2016 at 11:59 am
A Belated Happy Birthday.
I listened to your music back in the late ’70’s and early 80’s. Have re-discovered you and the group now in 2016. Agree with you and others that reunion talk is nonsense.
Just enjoy life as it is now, and simply enjoy the Days of Yore, when you were young and energetic. Your legacy is your timeless music.
Let it be.
Omer Ozdemir
April 8, 2016 at 2:41 pm
ABBA was the one of the best music group ever.. I listened to you late in the ’70’s and am still doing this… Happy birthday Agnetha… You were beautiful and now more beautiful than before…
Best wishes from İstanbul
Richard Gardner
April 8, 2016 at 3:10 pm
Happy Birthday and Best Wishes Agnetha! May God’s Blessings surround you each day! Attended your show 1976 Edmonton Canada. “Thank You for the Music”……
April 8, 2016 at 3:11 pm
I was
A huge abba fan when I was 14,
especially of you Agnetha. I have a lot of your solo work, which I still listen to today. I visited Stockholm for my 14th birthday.I have always loved your voice and felt concerned when you had difficult times. I hope you are happier now. I hope to hear more of Your music one day. Thank you
April 9, 2016 at 1:11 am
Agnetta, Thank you for the music, you are part of the soundtrack of many lives, as a member of ABBA your legacy lives on, the timing for ABBA was perfect, the cherry on top of the cake after the Beatles. You are music royalty at the same level as Carole King.
Happy Birthday Agnetha 🙂
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing
Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Aline Gama
April 9, 2016 at 12:55 pm
I used to love Abba (still do), the music and the people! It happens that we are about the same age so things in my live, like marrige and having kids happened by the same time and I coud understand how a star life may be difficult one for a girl like you! Let me say this: you did what you felt right and that’s perfect! And the albums you did after Abba are good ones too.! Hope you can enjoy everyday of your life in good health and with joy! And peace! Accept the love of fans, that’s only natural… we all at that time had a link with 4 young, nice and sucessefull artists! Hope the best for you!
April 9, 2016 at 1:08 pm
There is no other singer/ artist/ songwritter better than Agnetha. I was a huge ABBA fan back in the 1970’s and I still am. The harmonies, the lyrics, just everything about ABBA was incredible. I personally want to remember ABBA as they were, and although a huge fan, it wouldnt be the same if they all did a concert now. Let them remain in history as the best pop group in their time. Who in their right mind would want to team up with their ex anyhow? We need to respect that ABBA are made up of people with emotions and feelings, not just a music machine for the rest of us. We have loved your music, and personally my favourite ABBA Song is DISILUSSION…of which Agnetha wrote it and sang it. So powerful and meaningful. HAppy Birthday, and we wish you all the happiness and success for you new album.
April 10, 2016 at 8:45 pm
Of the best health and the auspiciousness for Agnetha.
The most beautiful voice which is helping to survive difficult times.
Beauties at the scene the wonderful Highest timing respect and
thanks for the wonderful Album “A”
April 25, 2016 at 6:55 am
Am the saddest fan, but i still have hope I’ll get to see you, if not seeing you perfom.
May God give you guys a long life.
Binu Isaac
May 16, 2016 at 8:51 am
Sir ,
Could you please tell us all the story behind one of ABBA”s very best songs Chiquitta .
If difficult in anyway to publicize at least to my email
Karen cannon
April 25, 2016 at 8:51 pm
My favourite is and will always be the winner takes it all such a heart felt song at such a difficult time and I would like to say thank you for being and making part of my life and your music will never die x
George Sárközi
April 26, 2016 at 9:28 pm
I am Hungazian!
Én nagyon szeretlek benneteket, mivel zenefüggő vagyok! Persze, hogy tudok énekelni is kicsit! Csak azt üzenném neked kedves Agnetha, vágytam rá Svédországi munkám során, hát ha találkozunk! Boldoggá tett volna a pár perc is! Miért? Nem tudom!
Sárközi George Villanyszerelő Mester
April 27, 2016 at 8:50 am
Joao Costa
May 15, 2016 at 8:03 pm
Dear Agnetha,
Never mind about they [journal, magazines, and the others] have said or may say of bad things about the past !!
For sure there were so many hard things.and feelings you had to live through, as the mother, the woman, the wife and the Idol, wondering to combine your your private, public and professional life (as you said – you get good things, but you loose too).
The import is: You were very stronger, are still alive and beloved for legions of fans !!!
I want you to know that I love your job since Jesus Christ Superstar. Since those golden days, I love your voice, your songs , your sweetness, your kindness, your simlicity , your beauty…
I wish you all good things the life can offer !
Have a blessed week Sweet Agnetha !
Owen Jones
May 15, 2016 at 10:24 pm
I have loved ABBA music since day one; my oldest daughter Deaana, cried “daddy buy me an ABBA record”, I think she was around 4 yo; she is now 43. Agnetha, I have been in love with you since the beginning of time. xoxoxoxox
May 16, 2016 at 2:51 pm
All that you are writing and wonders what’s in it when unanswered. That means that Agnetha is hardly on those pages 🙂
Eva Lucak
May 16, 2016 at 8:27 pm
Dear Agnetha – my idol
This music is my life, my crying, my lucky, my inspiration, my love … Thank you for your music Agnetha, beautiful voice, beautiful woman … Please sing and sing at least one song together ABBA
Eva Lucak
May 23, 2016 at 11:09 pm
In 1971 me is six years. My mother to leave and did not return after me. I have a broken heart and healing me heart ABBA with music. Please, me send the poster with signature Agnetha Faltskog, together with the whole group ABBA. Thanks. Your Eva from Slovakia
Lee Lydston
May 23, 2016 at 10:48 pm
ABBA’s music never fails to transport me to a wonderful land of incredible peace!
May 25, 2016 at 6:59 am
Hi Agnetha, am one of your funs from Africa, a country called Uganda. i love your music. I started listening to the ABBA music in the early 1980 when i was a young girl. Up to now, it brings me sweet memories. I would you be very grateful if you sent me a few lines on my e-mail address. Thank you in advance
antonio arena
May 25, 2016 at 12:24 pm
You busy, dear Agnetha, for many people a piece of their heart for a long time.
I still hear your voice and not a day goes by where you do not catch my thoughts.
You have given him for a long time your beautiful voice, your smile, your gentle naturalness and the least I can do is to wish you a continuation of the rich life of many pleasant events and many other beautiful things.
A happy birthday wish even if late and an affectionate kiss on the cheek. Bye,bye.
leslie harrison
June 13, 2016 at 7:21 am
You are and always be A beautiful Woman,and im still your top fan.Love and kisses Leslie,
and Happy Birthday
July 22, 2016 at 10:29 pm
I have a lot of admiration for agnetha and abba. I have loved their music since I was a teenager and it helped me through a difficult time when I was picked upon at senior school and I was teased because it wasn’t trendy to like them. But abba ‘s music has stood the test of time. My aambition was aalways to visit Stockholm. As aagnetha says you have to remember that they were two couples with young families and it must have been very hard for them and their children. Also I have a lot of admiration for them for sticking together when times were tough. I don’t know how frida managed to carry on working with benny when he broke her heart but you don’t know what goes on in peoples private lives. I hope they are all happy now and enjoying life. You have to remember abba was the first group in Sweden to achieve international fame. And like the girl in abba the movie says there’s nothing special about them they are only human beings. I love agnetha’s music aas i do Frida. Thankyou for the music abba xx
Norman Prestage
July 23, 2016 at 4:06 am
Love “scoolbag in hand…”, came out just as my daughter was starting school. Love your music.
Norm in Camrosr, AB, Canada, who is also 66 🙂
October 8, 2016 at 7:35 pm
Agnetha never enjoyed partying. She has been always a shy, quiet person. She enjoyed -and still does- home life and children care. The statement about partying was said by Frida, not Agnetha. Is it clear enough, wesley foster?
Ray Diaz
October 9, 2016 at 2:16 am
Love you Agnetha:) Thank you for the music and wonderful memories 🙂
Have a very Happy Birthday!
Ray Diaz
Bellingham, WA
October 16, 2016 at 6:31 pm
Bette Midler expressed my feelings about Agnetha perfectly when she sang
‘Did you ever know that you’re my hero
And everything I would like to be
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings’.
November 11, 2016 at 12:43 pm
During the 30 years I have always maintained that ABBA – the best in the world music project of the 20th century! And so! And so it proved in the end! And I am very happy that ABBA has an army (of millions) of fans, and it is increasing every year! ) Thank!!!
John Redpath
March 1, 2017 at 12:52 pm
Abba has been part of the sound track of my life, since I first heard Ring Ring on Radio Luxembourg in 1973. One of the added bonuses in loving Abba music was that the four members were clearly good and genuine human beings. Love always and thank you x
Carmen Vides
March 2, 2017 at 4:38 am
Agnetha te felicito por toda esa bellas canciones .
Como dice la canción Gracias por la música.
Yo soy fiel fanática a todas tus canciones y continuo escuchandolas son mi fortaleza y mi inspiración en todo momento de mi vida .
A mi me encantan mucho los perros también .Adelante con la musica gracias por darnos bellas canciones .
Dios te bendiga y por tu linda voz.
March 2, 2017 at 1:27 pm
Dear Agnatha, Happy Birthday! I’ve watched and listened to your music since the beginning. Whenever I need something positive to boost my mood, I watch and listen to you sing om YouTube. Thank you for all you’ve done. Hope you have peace happiness, good health and contentment. I hope to some day see you. All the best.:)
An byoung chang
March 29, 2017 at 5:06 pm
This is south korea
I have been miss you
Dominic Colgan
April 25, 2017 at 12:41 pm
Its Agneitha’s 67th birthday not 66th.I know this because its almost the same as mine. To the day and year !!
April 9, 2018 at 7:43 am
You were, is and will be a beatifull example of woman for the next generations, for your intelligence , beaitifull voice and special angel that you shared with the world thank for your music Agnetha from Latinoamerica nuestra Chiquitita you music is magical
Mihai Popescu
July 29, 2018 at 4:51 pm
Thanks for the kind words
Agnetha shines any video with her smile.
W Jay Marlin
December 23, 2018 at 3:57 am
What an absolutely delightful pleasure to be in your company. You are gracious and witty; sophisticated and intelligent. It’s charming to listen to your explanations, your decisions and opinions. Sincerely yours…
Dan Minnich
February 13, 2019 at 5:36 pm
Agnetha: I have to say that I completely missed your group in the 70’s. I was stationed in Germany, and began my family in the 70’s when I left the Army. It is unbelieveable that I not only missed your group, but Boston, Fleetwood Mac, Freddie Mercury, Who., etc. My wife and her side of the family are from the Gavle area, and we visited them while on leave during mid-summer. We recently visited with the same family members after 45 years this past May 2018. Visited Stockholm museums including yours. After reading your laments about leaving your children to tour I realize that you felt you missed out on your children growing. I would ask your children if they harbor any bad feelings toward you and Bjorn. If so I’ll bet they are only too willing to forgive. Any guilt feelings you & Bjorn have may be false guilt. I would like to see you put out some children’s books with songs. I know you want to withdraw from the limelight, but not from your grandchildren. Think it over!
Graeme Dempsey
April 5, 2019 at 4:32 pm
Please produce a similar page for Frida and especially a 20 Abba songs by Frida as lead vocalist selection. I will even provide one for you:
Super Trouper
When All Is Said and Done
Should I Laugh or Cry
Knowing Me, Knowing You
Money Money Money
The Visitors
I Let The Music Speak
Andante Andante
Gonna Sing You My Love Song
The King Has Lost His Crown
Put On Your White Sombrero
Our Last Summer
I Wonder
One Man, One Woman
I Have A Dream
Me And I
Like An Angel Passing Through My Room
April 11, 2020 at 10:13 am
I think they made a mistake not maintaining the band. You have to keep touring using the band name, like New Order. Band members can come and go, and Agnetha would have been motivated to come back to something that was already touring. Also, the 80s music scene was massive, they might have thought their era was over. But nothing has been bigger since the 80s for music. So you have all the 80s bands still touring these days. We can see how popular ABBA is now, because people are going back and discovering good music on Youtube. At least Benny is still touring. I wish they had gotten back earlier, like in their 40s at least. Even if they can’t sing as well now, they can have backup vocals to support them. People want to see them out of nostalgia and love for their own childhoods.
James Franklin
April 19, 2021 at 5:34 pm
Agnetha I hope you had a wonderful birthday on April 5th 2021 Dallas Texas
James Franklin
April 19, 2021 at 5:40 pm
I hope you had a wonderful birthday April 5th 2021 find you healthy and happy Jim Franklin Dallas Texas USA