So You Think You Know T.Rex? Quiz
Are you a fan of Marc Bolan and T.Rex? How well do you know the 70s glam rockers? Test yourself with the uDiscover T.Rex music quiz – it’s hard but fun!

Photo by David Warner Ellis/Redferns
Are you a fan of Marc Bolan and T.Rex? How well do you know the 70s glam rockers? Test yourself with the uDiscover T.Rex music quiz – it’s hard but fun!
Steve Beck
April 8, 2018 at 1:27 pm
Died in the seventies but appeared live in 1986 on Supersonic- takes some doing!
Ian Collinson
October 11, 2022 at 4:42 pm
Lol yep I never noticed that
he died at 2 minutes to 5 am on September 16th 1977 so he’d have been dead 9 years and as he was cremated a live performance would have been difficult.