Rhythms Of Brazil – Summer, Sun & Samba

The World Cup begins in Brazil on Thursday 12 June and lasts for one month. To celebrate we’ve put together a playlist to evoke the passion, the spirit and the excitement of Brazil that features tracks you’ll know and some you won’t and we’ve even cheated a little to add in some other fabulous Latin rhythms. We’ll be adding tracks to the playlist throughout the tournament.
UK English

June 8, 2014 at 4:41 pm
Julio Silveira
June 17, 2014 at 8:38 pm
… Ha coisas no Brasil que sao escondidas ou os jornalistas, radios e produtores musicais fazem questao de nao divulgar, pela consideracao que tem do seu proprio povo, digo assim, porque salvo uns poucos espacos de midia a grande maioria acha que devemos ouvir porcarias, para eles parecerm sofisticados. Perpetuando a ignorancia da populacao.