Vangelis Not A Runner For Film Sequel

Vangelis will not be reprising his role as soundtrack composer on the forthcoming Blade Runner 2 sequel to the smash science fiction movie of 1982. The new film is currently in the works with a planned October 2017 release date, but without the involvement of either the Greek composer or original director Ridley Scott.
Icelandic composer Jóhann Jóhannsson has revealed in recent interviews that he will fill Vangelis’ role on the project. Harrison Ford, one of the stars of the first movie, will appear in the sequel, along with Ryan Gosling, Jared Leto, Robin Wright and others. Principle photography on the film, which is set several decades after the first one, began in July.
Jóhannsson says that the decision about the score was made “a long time ago,” and goes on to praise Vangelis’ influence on his work. “Vangelis is a composer that has been a huge influence on my own work,” he tells Scott Wilson in FACT, “and not only the Blade Runner score – many of his solo albums have been a rich part of my life for a long time.
“What I love about his work, which I think is also present in my own work, is his sense of space – the way he uses space, the way he uses silences and this sense of monumentalism in a way.” Jóhannsson has previously worked with the director of Blade Runner 2, Denis Villeneuve, on previous films of his including Prisoners (2013), last year’s Sicario and his next, Arrival, which is out in November.
Greatly in demand in recent years, Jóhannsson won a Golden Globe for his music for The Theory Of Everything, James Marsh’s biopic about Professor Stephen Hawking. Jóhannsson’s own solo album Orphée, his first for six years, will be released on 16 September on Deutsche Grammophon.
But Jóhannsson won’t be drawn on whether his new score will have echoes of the one by Vangelis from 34 years ago. “It’s too early to tell,” he says. “Frankly, it’s just so early in the process that it’s really not a question I can answer right now.” He does, however, say that filling Vangelis’ role will be “an enormous challenge of mythical proportion.”
The first Blade Runner, he says, is “a film that’s hugely important to me in terms of both being a visual masterpiece – this amazing world that Ridley Scott and his team created – and also in terms of the music and the sound design, which is tremendously strong and which was very memorable at the time when I saw it. This is true of many people of my generation who experienced that film, it had a deep impact on them.”
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August 28, 2016 at 6:52 pm
Are you kidding? The sequences in Blade Runner would not been effected without the expertise and experience of Vangelis. The scene of panning over the city lights is so memorable and awesome with that sound score. I can’t imagine someone else composing the sound score. I think it’s a bad decision, I wouldn’t buy the Cd or vinyl of the sound track of Blade Runner 2.
August 28, 2016 at 7:35 pm
( HU ) Megnézem , és meglátjuk . Sajnálom hogy ,nem Vangelis művész úr lesz a zeneszerző . Már egy pár hete valamerre a neten láttam , hogy lesz 2.része a filmnek . kezdtem örülni ,még egy remekmű lesz a palettáján .
(GB ) I look and see. I’m sorry that Mr. Vangelis did not become an artist by the composer. Already a couple of weeks ago I saw somewhere on the web that will be Part 2 of the film. I was excited, even a masterpiece will be the palette.
August 28, 2016 at 7:49 pm
Who is that composer from iceland? No one could make the music of Balde Runner 2 except Vangelis or JM jarre. No one else
September 27, 2017 at 6:46 am
Brian Eno
August 28, 2016 at 8:27 pm
Saying that only Vangelis (or Jarre?) could create a soundtrack worthy of a Bladerunner sequel is very narrow-minded. Jóhann would not have been chosen for this task if the people making the film didn’t have the confidence in him that he would be able to make a soundtrack worthy of the Blade Runner name. In other words, we should assume that he and the director know what they are doing, and I am sure we can look forward to an interesting soundtrack that will probably show its references and homages to the style of the original’s soundtrack as well as having its own uniqueness.
I don’t know Jóhann’s music – yet – but I know that anyone who wins a Golden Globe for a soundtrack and has their new album released on the prestigious Deutsche Grammophon”label is someone one should listen to properly before making any judgements.
Jeff Blanks
September 12, 2016 at 6:00 am
There are three excerpts at iTunes. It’s essentially that kind of “accessible”, severely pared-down, post-minimalist take on Stravinskyan neo-classicism that gets called “post-modern” these days. It seems rather pleased with its own austerity. Not bad, but I’ve heard it all before and have had enough of this sort of thing.
August 28, 2016 at 8:33 pm
Johanns music is beautiful the Fordlandia album is superb. The original score is classic but as Scotts not directing it make more sense to have a different composer. Who would want the new film to be trying to copy the original with a new director that would suck.
Dana Adalaide
August 28, 2016 at 11:34 pm
To whoever composes it.. Good luck, i’m here if you need any help.
Marcin M. Drews
August 28, 2016 at 11:57 pm
Good! Vangelis is an outstanding artist, the greatest composer of our times. Meanwhile Ridley Scott sucks as hell. It would be a shame for Vangelis, to be involved in next shitty production of Mr. Scott. Dear Ridley, please, stop. Don’t do movies anymore!
August 29, 2016 at 5:02 am
If not Vangelis, I was hoping they would get Apex Twin. Oh well 🙁
August 29, 2016 at 2:30 pm
Vangelis has the right sense of mood. In the 90ies I played the Blade Runner computer game as well. There was a scene at a balcony, where Vangelis’ music was played. I was enjoying that moment so often to relax and dream! Vangelis greek mood is so unique, no one – except Vangelis – could do that!
Blade Runner 1 was a masterpiece where the movie and the soundtrack have been so deeply linked together that it would be a risk NOT working with Vangelis and Ridley Scott. The Author “William Gibson” said to Scott: “You can read my mind”. I am seriously worried that the new movie could destroy the myth of Blade Runner! The new director and the new composer have a big responsibility here! I love the precision how the sounds in Bladerunner 1 have been selected. The warm pads in the background, the instrument selection. Everything was perfect! That movie was a ride into another world. I guess that the lineup for Bladerunner 2 was some inverstors decision. I hope they don’t mess it up.
August 29, 2016 at 10:09 pm
Vangelis or no one else!!!
August 31, 2016 at 7:24 pm
Retribution for Vangelis’s participation in the Gaza Flotilla?
Billy Dojcak
August 31, 2016 at 9:36 pm
I suggest listening to Jóhannsson before jumping the gun. Start with Dis, then move on to 1401, A Users Manual. These are some of his older works, but very experimental. His newer works are good as well, but I prefer the oddball stuff.
Johnny Hewison
September 5, 2016 at 10:14 pm
If no Vangelis Then I would love to see Jon Hopkins produce it.