Listen To Norah Jones’ New Single ‘Take It Away’ Ft. Tarriona Tank Ball
‘Take It Away’ is the latest in an ongoing series of highly-acclaimed single the Grammy-winning singer-songwriter has released over the past two years.

Norah Jones continues her acclaimed series of single releases with ‘Take It Away’ featuring Tarriona Tank Ball of Tank and The Bangas. Available now, the song was produced by Jones and Thomas Bartlett with Jones on vocals and piano, Tank Ball on vocals, Bartlett on keyboards/synthesizers, and Karriem Riggins on drums. You can check it out below.
“I saw Tarriona and the Bangas play in New Orleans in 2016 and was blown away,” says Jones. “I got in touch with Tarriona shortly after and we became friends. This was a really fun opportunity to be creative together in the studio. She’s got one of my favorite minds.”
Following the 2016 release of Day Breaks—and the extensive promotional campaign and world tour that accompanied it—Jones quietly returned to the studio with the sole intent of following her muse down creative pathways without any expectations or boundaries. Reveling in the joy and spontaneity of music-making with a true spirit of openness, Jones has gotten together with various friends for brief, largely-improvised sessions to collaborate and experiment.
“I felt inspired to record and try different things,” Jones says, adding that the idea was to make it “quick and fun and easy and low-pressure. It’s a great way to collaborate with other people. Just a day or 3 in the studio and that’s it.”
“I try to go in with a few clips of voice memo ideas to have a jumping off point,” she explains. “With each session the little ideas were definitely with those particular musicians in mind, but the hope is to always create in the moment and with each session there were songs that came out of nothing. I was very open and had no real expectations as far as direction, but each session has exceeded my expectations. It’s been so fun and I feel very inspired right now and love all the different directions this is going.”
The singles Jones began releasing last summer ranged from riveting electronic experiments to starkly acoustic folk ballads to organ-and-horn drenched soul songs. Seven of those songs were recently released as Begin Again, a collection of eclectic singles recorded with collaborators including Bartlett, Jeff Tweedy, and Brian Blade of which Consequence of Sound wrote: “There is something thrillingly free about the songs on Begin Again… A minor gem showcasing her porous musical boundaries and cross-genre virtuosity… Jones brings a particular grace to songwriting that allows her to adapt almost seamlessly to new forms. Begin Again revels in exploration, proving no territory is inaccessible to Jones.”
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