Watch The New Lyric Video For The ‘Ultimate Mix’ Of John Lennon’s ‘Gimme Some Truth’
“It’s about politicians, newspaper men and all the hypocrites of the world – and male chauvinists, it’s about them too”, Lennon said of the track.

A new video for the ‘Ultimate Mix’ of John Lennon‘s classic Gimme Some Truth has been released and you can see it above here.
Originating from the sessions of what would become The Beatles‘ Let It Be, the protest anthem – which featured on Lennon’s classic Imagine album in 1971 – has been given new visuals to render Lennon’s lyrics all the more relevant today as US citizens head to the polls for the mid-terms.
Lennon said of Gimme Some Truth in Thames Hudson’s Imagine John Yoko: “[It was] one I started a year or two back – probably in India. We wrote a lot there. It was an old lick that I had around a long time but I again changed the lyrics. I like the track because it sounds good but it didn’t get much attention, so it’s a personal track that I like the sound of. The guitars are good and the voice sounds nice and it says whatever it says. George (Harrison) does a sharp solo with his steel finger (he’s not too proud of it – but I like it).”
“It’s about politicians, newspaper men and all the hypocrites of the world – and male chauvinists, it’s about them too”, Lennon said of the track’s lyrical content. “I think that music reflects the state that the society is in. There is nothing to hide. Not really. I mean, we all like to s_t in private and we certainly have things we prefer to do in private, privately. But in general what is there to hide? I mean, what is the big secret?”
“Now what the hypocrisy of the press is like, what I was saying about the News Of The World is they’re always going on about other people’s responsibilities and pop stars selling sex to people when they’re the ones keeping the whole mill rolling. They have as much responsibility as us so-called ‘stars’.
“There was a famous picture of me in one of the Beatle books and it said, ‘No phoney politician is ever going to get through to me.’ That still stands, although I dabbled in so called ‘politics’ in the late Sixties and Seventies. More out of guilt for being rich and guilty, thinking that maybe perhaps love and peace isn’t enough, that you have to go and get punched in the face to prove I’m one of the people.”
Imagine: The Ultimate Collection is out now and can be bought here.