Fall Out Boy Donate $100,000 In Support Of Black Lives Matter
The band are sharing the donation between two US charities, National Bail Out and Black Visions Collective.

Fall Out Boy have committed to supporting the Black Lives Matter movement by pledging a $100,000 donation from their Fall Out Boy Fund.
The pop-punk outfit launched the fund in 2017 to give back to their Chicago hometown, the quartet redirected this large sum to National Bail Out and Black Visions Collective. These two nationally acclaimed, Black-led organizations have long supported the liberation and empowerment of all Black people, which grew to utmost importance after the unlawful murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery and more Black individuals sparked protests across North America.
“When you discover rot deep within your house you don’t just paint over it. You dismantle it and rebuild a better house. We support the black community in the struggle against racial inequality, injustice, and police brutality by committing $100,000 from the Fall Out Boy Fund this summer,” the band’s statement read. “We will begin with donations to National Bail Out and Black Visions Collective. We realize this is a marathon not a sprint and plan to continue and expand our support.”
The band ended their note with a quote from Pulitzer Prize-winning author Pearl S. Buck about generations accomplishing the perceived impossible. “The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation,” the last line read.
The Fall Out Boy Fund was first created by the band as a way to give back to their hometown of Chicago. On establishing the fund in 2017, the band initially teamed up with Back to the Roots to get twenty-thousand Chicago students going green and healthy with a proper food education.
As the initial press release explained, “With the funds, the band [was] able to provide 20,000 elementary school kids in the Chicago area with an indoor gardening kit by Back to the Roots and a STEM curriculum to each student.”
Listen to the Best of Fall Out Boy on Apple Music and Spotify.