Watch Elton John And ‘Rocketman’ Star Taron Egerton Perform ‘Your Song’ Live
‘Rocketman’ opened in cinemas in the UK and Ireland on 24 May and nationwide in the US on 31 May.

Elton John played at The Country Cricket Ground in Hove on Sunday night – the latest show on the singer, songwriter’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour. Fans attending were in for a surprise when Rocketman star Taron Egerton joined Elton onstage for a rousing performance of the legendary ‘Your Song.’ You can check it out below.
Introducing the actor, John told the crowd: “As you know, there’s a film out called Rocketman – and I haven’t had a guest on any of the shows on this Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour.
“But tonight, I’m going to bring out me! I’m going to bring out the guy who plays me. I’m going to bring out Taron Egerton… and we’re going to do a song together.”
Elton later thanked Egerton on Twitter, saying: “We’ve shared so many moments during the filming and release of Rocketman and singing ‘Your Song’ with you this evening is another I’ll always cherish.”
The Sunday evening performance of ‘Your Song’ wasn’t the first time the pair have performed onstage together. In February, Elton invited Egerton to sing ‘Tiny Dancer’ with him at the musician’s annual Oscars party.
Rocketman opened in cinemas in the UK and Ireland on 24 May and nationwide in the US on 31 May. As the film opened in cinemas, Elton John penned an article for The Guardian, wherein he explained how he felt now the much-anticipated biopic had finally made it to the silver screen.
“The whole experience of watching someone else pretend to be you on screen, of seeing things you remember happening again in front of your eyes, is a very weird, disconcerting one, like having an incredibly vivid dream,” he reflected.
“Some studios wanted to tone down the sex and drugs so the film would get a PG-13 rating. But I just haven’t led a PG-13 rated life. I didn’t want a film packed with drugs and sex, but equally, everyone knows I had quite a lot of both during the 70s and 80s, so there didn’t seem to be much point in making a movie that implied that after every gig, I’d quietly gone back to my hotel room with only a glass of warm milk and the Gideon’s Bible for company.”
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