‘Easy Rider’ Goes Live

The original soundtrack of the classic 1969 film Easy Rider, including Steppenwolf‘s theme song ‘Born To Be Wild,’ was performed live last week to a screening of the iconic movie, starring Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper. The show took place at the Mystic Theatre in Petaluma, California last Friday (14), and you can see a preview of it here.
The 11-song soundtrack also featured such 1960s staples as Bob Dylan’s ‘It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding),’ the Jimi Hendrix Experience’s ‘If 6 Was 9,’ the Byrds’ ‘Wasn’t Born To Follow’ and ‘Ballad Of Easy Rider’ and Smith’s version of The Band‘s ‘The Weight,’ which on the soundtrack, replaced the original, used in the film. The record opened with another number from Steppenwolf’s self-titled first album of 1968, ‘The Pusher,’ written by Hoyt Axton.
The performance, presented by Sonic Cinema, featured a seven-piece band with music director Robert Powell on guitar, pedal steel and vocals; Tracy Blackman, vocals and guitar; Jesse Ray, vocals and harmonica; Jimmy Dillon, lead guitar and vocals; Tim Baker, bass; Chris Houston keyboards and accordion; and Eddie Berman on drums. As well as playing the score, they performed an additional set of songs. The project was created by Sonic Cinema’s Matthew Fassberg.
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October 21, 2016 at 8:50 am
damn good music
January 4, 2017 at 2:29 pm
Damn good film!